So there is a concept called relationship specificity — meaning that you don’t have an anxious attachment with everyone just because you had one anxious attachment with a parent. It is relationship specific and you can be anxious with your mom and secure with your father. Likewise, the attachment research has shown that your childhood attachment style often changes with the experinecs of all kinds of healthy relationships in your life. Just because you have an anxious style with one person does not mean that you are anxious with everyone. This is why it is important to do your personal development work to heal anxiety on a larger scale so you can tell the difference between attachment based anxiety and a psychiatric generalized anxiety disorder or PTSD. An attachment style is simply a biological response to fear and how you handle that stress in a relationship. Finding a secure friend, colleague or teacher can greatly help give an anxiously attached person the experinece of what a healthy relationship is. So be kind to others and practice being a secure base for your friends and stay away from blaming avoidants for triggering attachment anxiety. They simply show up as an opportunity to use discernment and to heal. Sometimes learning to say no is the most therapuetic life experience the anxiously attached can have 🙏